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Get the inside scoop to creating strong customer conversion.

Fortify your next steps with your customer

Creating customer conversions takes a strong Call-To-Action. It’s always a great way to fortify your next steps with your customer. Yet, most of us look over this call-to-action and freeze on what to say next. You might take it for granted, but explaining your expertise to someone is a privilege to your customers or prospects.

I want to share a quick technique that can put you back in the driver’s seat. Whether you are a sales professional, customer support, IT, or content creator, this technique will have your customers come back wanting more.

They're more than just customers, they're your friends

But before we go there, I will need you not to think of them as your client or your customers. Let’s pretend as if you’re talking to a close friend. Think of someone in your mind that you admire, or that you have warm feelings towards. They’re calling to ask you for advice on something that you’re an expert in. It might seem easy to you, but you’re able to explain it in a way that helps them out tremendously.

It's based on the idea of not caring about making money or closing a sale

Learn A Strong Call-To-Action-Article-OMH

Give them the scoop, It's because you care

Speaking authentically to your audience as a close friend rather than your prospect or customer can make the difference.

Talk conspiratorially to them, providing inside information as if you were giving life advice, not just business tips. This will help build rapport with your customer (which is key), and ultimately lead to success for them because of the personal attention you’re providing.

It's not about the sale, it's about connecting

This is a great way to communicate with your prospects when you want them to come back for another sale. It’s based on the idea of not caring about making money or closing a sale. Instead, you want them to know all available options so they can make an informed decision.

You’ll feel relieved and powerful once they come back asking for your advice because now they will take personal ownership over their decisions. This builds a stronger relationship between you and your customer, which leads to more business in general.


Changing your approach in the way you say it can make all of the difference for your customers.  You might think “if this was my friend, what would I tell them next to be successful?” By searching from a place within, you could gift them with the knowledge that can serve them on their next step within their customer journey.

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